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Heated Yoga studio + blow dry bar

Where your confidence awakens.

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Step into a new kind of studio

POSE gives you more, so you can be your best.

POSE brings fitness + beauty together with our heated yoga studio and blow dry bar in one location to make it easier for you to look and feel more confident.

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85° – 89°

Heated Yoga

Experience the benefits of practicing yoga in a heated studio, where mildly elevated temperatures promote deeper stretching by loosening the muscles and increasing blood flow to the connective tissues. This enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, aiding in reducing stiffness and fostering greater flexibility.

POSE Events

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ORLS: Pretty Posture Party (Private Event)

Our Redeemer Lutheran School Yoga Party Our Redeemer Lutheran School is excited to announce an exclusive Yoga Party, taking place on May 18, 2024, at 1:30 PM. This special event is a private gathering, and we kindly remind everyone that registration will not be open to the general public.

Yoga for Mom and Baby

Moms-to-be can stay mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy by practicing yoga during pregnancy. The body may feel different during the gestational months. Prenatal yoga can address some of the issues that women experience during pregnancy. Breath work or pranayama can also guide one to a more centered space, physically and mentally during these months of pregnancy. Expecting moms can build strength, alleviate aches and pain, stay grounded, and build community with a yoga practice. Come to yoga and prepare your mind and body for childbirth. You do not have to have any prior yoga experience.

Join us in OUR FIRST TWO DFW locations

Pose with us.


Yoga + BlowOUT

Preston Royal

Access yoga anywhere with our livestream classes or online library.
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Cultivate a deep and sustainable yoga practice with our experienced teachers.


Pamper yourself + walk confidently into your day with our blow dry services.

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Build strength + confidence by making health and beauty a priority.

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How you Pose is up to you.

You are worth it

Join our Community.

Make new connections with like-minded people at our special events throughout the month. Walk in feeling welcomed. Leave feeling empowered and inspired to be your best.

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